Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Humorous Piece Author's Note

This is my first draft of the piece. I chose to do a political cartoon that draws on parallels between what citizens are currently faced with in their dealings with the Barnett Shale and the themes of There Will Be Blood, based on Upton Sinclair's Oil which was a muckraking piece criticizing early 20th century oil tycoons. I think the humor comes across well but my only concern is that the piece might not connect with those who have not seen the film There Will Be Blood


  1. Well, I haven't seen There Will Be Blood, but I feel that it was still humorous. Granted, the milkshake reference might make a bit more sense and add even more humor if you were familiar with the referent. Even so, I think that this draft is good and makes a clear point about people not being reimbursed for the natural gas that is being taken.

  2. Good argument and it was definitly funny. Very nice artistic work, but I agree it would be a little more funny if people knew more about the main guy on the picture. I think it kind of goes over peoples heads a bit

  3. Your cartoon was well thought out and got across everything you were trying to say. It worked very well, and it was, of course, funny. Which is really the big deal in this part of the unit. Good job.

  4. I havn't seen the film either, but your argument is clearly stated. I can tell it has to do with money and oil, which is surley the subject, but if I had seen the movie Im sure I would understand your topic better

  5. I have seen a little bit of the movie and I definitely got the alluding to the movie and the character. I think it would be helpful to have some kind of statement on the cartoon as to what is really going on with the barnett shale. Its just a suggestion, but I say that because I fell asleep during the movie, but I am very much aware that it is related to oil. I also think you did a good job as far as connecting your argument with a movie as popular as that so your audience could kind of understand.

  6. I have not seen the movie but i think that your topic is clearly stated and it was funny which is the important thing.

  7. Good job amigo! My comments stand from Monday. Nice work!
